The new Back To School collection is finally posted, not without a good deal of blood, sweat, tears, and a few (who am I kidding, many) choice curse words. But, it's done, and I'm proud of it. So what next? Finish my Moto Bike Jacket, brainstorm and prep for Christmas sales, apply for a few maker fairs, and ship orders.
The only problem with all of these plans is that Portland has been gripped in a ridiculous, record-breaking heatwave and we are all melting. We don't have air conditioning in our house, or in the spare room that I use as my workspace, and the thought of turning on the iron to sew is just unthinkable. It was 106 degrees yesterday, there was zero chance that I would be adding to our discomfort by heating anything in our house. We did finally break down and get a portable ac unit so we could sleep at night. It doesn't cool the whole house, but takes the edge off enough that the house doesn't feel like a sultry swamp at night. I know, let's put that baby in the sewing room so I can work! Great idea! Five minutes later: circuit blown. It turns out that the iron and the ac can't operate on the same circuit.
Hello lover.
What now? I'll figure it out. And after I take a nice cold shower, I'll blog about it.