January was busy? Challenging? A blur? We were all sick: me, the kids, somehow not my husband (or maybe I was just too sick to remember him being sick?). Our cat died (she was old, we're sad but fine). It rained a lot, and then it didn't. We all played soccer. When I try to make a mental tally of what I did in January, I just can't. For a very organized person, this is nervous-making to say the least. We did go to a holiday party with friends and play in an excellent photo booth set up by my friend Alex.
After many attempts, my skinny jeans pattern is finally near perfect (I'll do a finished product post soon, just need some proper photos). I have a very wearable pair, and denim for more waiting in the wings. It felt oh so lovely to decide that my most recent pair was worthy of sewing in my own label.
I fixed a pair of my son's jeans.I planned a work wardrobe (I'll be needing it soon). Some things self-drafted, some from elsewhere. I decided to close the store portion of this website.
She is fierce.
It turns out that I really do not enjoy being a business person. I just want to make things. The making is the best. It helps me feel connected to my roots, it provides me with creative problem solving, it has a tangible product that I get to enjoy. I hate marketing. I hate networking. I hate social media marketing. I hate the stress of being worried about making money. I guess I'm a "job with a regular paycheck" person. I'm not disappointed, I learned stuff, I made things, I tried something I would have never tried otherwise. Truly, zero regrets.
So what next? I'm going back to grad school...again. This time I've come full circle back to my original field of study from my Bachelor's degree; speech pathology. I'm excited. I get to buy school supplies. Freshly sharpened pencils and notebooks full of crisp paper. I am still going to keep the blog up though, and if you live in the Portland area, I'm happy to do custom work for you. In fact, I spent the morning cleaning every surface in my studio so that I can begin work on a wedding dress for the lovely Caitlin of Enso Theatre Ensemble. I've never been more nervous to cut into fabric.
He is curious.
I still have some inventory left from the last year. So if you're interested in grabbing some for your little ones and just haven't done it yet, shop now. The store will be up and operating for a bit longer, but I'll probably donate a chunk to a worthy organization (not one that will send it to the landfill). So, that's it. Stick around for more blog posts about sewing if that's your jam. To those who listened to me self-analyze for the last year, thanks I love you too.